# This file is automatically generated. If you edit it, your # edits will be discarded next time the file is generated. # See http://cygwin.com/setup.html for details. # setup-timestamp: 1133821373 @ ac-archive sdesc: "The Autoconf Macro Archive" ldesc: "The Autoconf Macro Archive provides documented and tested macros that are useful to many software writers using the autoconf tool, but too specific to be included into autoconf itself." category: Devel requires: perl version: 0.5.57-1 install: ./ac-archive/ac-archive-0.5.57-1.tar.bz2 187872 efa90395705baf475574932e5cb0823d source: ./ac-archive/ac-archive-0.5.57-1-src.tar.bz2 292475 00130dde5aff7d39134e361392824d4b